Professor Khalid Khan

Early Career Researchers and Students

A Legacy of Excellence and Growth

Khalid is proud of his junior colleagues because they have helped him learn and improve himself as a person. Most of his 600+ papers are published in collaboration with graduate and doctoral students, and early career researchers. He has supervised research training under the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and World Health Organisation (WHO) research training fellowship.
Of the two dozen students, Khalid has had the opportunity to work with, half a dozen have already progressed to senior academic positions (Professors or Reader) in the UK Higher Education Institutions pursuing competitively funded research independently. They are supervising others to become leaders like themselves. The good work is spreading like a chain reaction.
Khalid invites you to collaborate with him as he wants to learn by working with you.

“The supportive and nurturing environment offered by Professor Khalid Khan” was the key factor for one of his students
She had just won the Edgar Gentilli Prize of the UK Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Ultimate Game Changer award of the Cosmopolitan magazine for a paper she published with me when she made the above comment.